WebTorrent is a P2P network for the entire web.

Comprehensive test suite (runs completely offline, so it's reliable and fast).Supports advanced torrent client features.Seamlessly switches between sequential and rarest-first piece selection strategy.Fetches pieces from the network on-demand so seeking is supported (even before torrent is finished).Pure Javascript (no native dependencies).Download multiple torrents simultaneously, efficiently.Torrent client for node.js & the browser (same npm package!).They can connect to both normal and web peers. Vuze have already added WebTorrent support so Webtorrent-hybrid, a command line program, WebTorrent Desktop, a desktop client with aįamiliar UI that can connect to web peers, To seed files to web peers, use a client that supports WebTorrent, e.g. Peer" can only connect to other clients that support WebTorrent/WebRTC. Therefore, a browser-based WebTorrent client or "web To make BitTorrent work over WebRTC (which is the only P2P transport that works on the Import WebTorrent from 'webtorrent' with browserify or webpack. On your page to start fetching files over WebRTC using the BitTorrent protocol, or Note: WebTorrent does not support UDP/TCP peers in browser. It can be used without browser plugins, extensions, or installations. In the browser, WebTorrent uses WebRTC (data channels) for peer-to-peer transport. In node.js, this module is a simple torrent client, using TCP and UDP to talk to
– so the same code works in both runtimes. It's written completely in JavaScript – the language of the web WebTorrent is a streaming torrent client for node.js and the browser.